Tue, Mar 11, 2025
TSU receives engineering lab system from CHED
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a four-year program that includes general education, major, and professional nursing courses. From the first to the fourth year, clinical classes are embedded with a focus on nursing principles and related learning experiences (RLEs). The BSN program provides an intensive nursing practicum that will further develop and refine further nursing competencies to ensure achievement of the BSN program outcomes required of an entry level nurse.
The BSN program is designed to prepare professional nurses to assume entrylevel positions in hospital facilities and community settings. The professional nurse can provide safe, humane, quality, and holistic care to individuals in varying age, gender, and health-illness status; healthy or at-risk families; population groups; and community; singly or in collaboration with other health care providers, to promote health, prevent illness, restore health, alleviate suffering, and provide end-of-life care.
The goal of the Nursing Department is on the holistic development of the
person to be a professionally competent and caring nurse imbued with the following core values of love of God, love of country and service to man.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs aims to:
BSN graduates belong to Level VI (Baccalaureate) of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) under qualification code number 60913 and are also recognized under the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF). They are also qualified to take the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination (PNLE) under the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), along with any other certification assessments for global professional practice in the nursing field. Graduates may also opt to pursue post-graduate degrees or take the National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) to pursue a degree in medicine.
Upon completion of the 4-year BSN program, BSN graduates can:
After completion of all academic requirements of the program, graduates of the BSN should be able to practice nursing profession in the hospital, clinic, community, school setting, company, corporations and many more. Graduates of BSN are not only confined within the hospital setting. Nursing professionals can choose from a variety of exciting career opportunities, depending on their educational background, interests, and desired level of practice. Many find positions in hospitals, clinics, private practices, and assisted living facilities.
Professionals in many nursing disciplines enjoy lucrative salary opportunities, including some of the highest-paying roles in the field. From entry-level nurse to doctoral-level professor, nursing provides a diverse range of career options. Nurses are hands-on health care providers that concentrate on providing highly personalized care. With the degree being in-demand, the opportunities for graduates of BSN continues to expand particularly now, due to the growing prevalence and emergence of various diseases and ailments and understaffed in most hospitals and other institutions. More career options now exist for nurses than ever before.
These positions can be found in rural or urban settings, in private, public, or governmental facilities, and they give the freedom to select which types of patients you want to work with.
1 Tarlac Provincial Hospital (Base Hospital)
As a foundation for the community health planning program, the students will be able to perform a community profiling through their subject course Community Health Nursing or NCM 104 and 113 where students can also train for a leadership position in official health organizations in the real world through this course. The student nurses would go to the affiliated barangays in Victoria to apply their learnings on how to conduct a family and community diagnosis with the guidance of a clinical instructor. It is a 2-week activity that let student nurses to be exposed in a real community setting different from what they are used to living in. They explore rural community health nursing, focusing on historical development, philosophy, health care systems, epidemiology, and individuals, families, and specific aggregate groups. They also apply theoretical and empirical knowledge in using the nursing process in rural community settings to promote, maintain and restore health.
Career Talk for nursing students of Tarlac State University. Career talk was held to give all nursing students an overview of what they can become after graduating the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Valuable guest speakers were invited to share their knowledge and some of their experiences to inspire future nurses to study smart and hard as many opportunities await them.
Orientation for Clinical Duty. The Department of Nursing conducted an orientation for 2nd year nursing students to prepare them for their upcoming hospital and community exposure. It was led by clinical instructors in the department.
Nursing Day 2018. The Department of Nursing at Tarlac State University participate in the annual observance held on May 12 that commemorate the birth in 1820 of Florence Nightingale, the foundation philosopher of modern nursing, and Nursing Day was held to celebrate this. During this day, various activities and entertainments for nursing students, faculty and staffs of nursing department were offered and conducted. It was a day where everyone just had fun. A valuable guest speaker was also invited to share his knowledge and experiences to inspire the attendees.
Grand Case Presentation. The Nursing Department maintains a tradition of showcasing students' best work in their Related Learning Experiences. The ability to provide well-constructed, complete, and succinct oral case presentations is an essential skill that a student nurse must develop in order to improve learning in the clinical setting by applying nursing concepts and theories. During the presentation, each participant shall wear their complete white duty uniform. The order of presentation will be drawn prior on the date of event. The presentation of the case will be limited to specific time, usually 30 minutes for each group. The clock will begin ticking when the participant says their first term. After the presentation, for ten minutes, judges or panelists will solely critique or question the group of presenters.
Approved Retention Policy of The BSN Program is being conducted before entering the Third-year level
To enrich and facilitate learning, the following teaching strategies bellow are used:
Reporting, Case Presentation, Clinical Case Study, Blended Learning, Role Playing, and seminar-workshop and the use of different online platform such as google classroom and Microsoft Team, wherein the students and faculty can facilitate teaching and learning even in the presence of the Pandemic
Extension services
The College of Science-Nursing Department is committed to carry out its extension service function all under the University Extension Services Office, with the primary goal of achieving sustainable partnership with the government and private organizations in poverty alleviation
Research proposal and presentations
The faculty members of the BSN Program is activity participating in the different Convention, conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Symposium both local and international level
The College of Science aims to produce a fully functioning and excellence graduates who can perform the competencies under each of the Key Areas of Responsibility. To achieve the college goals and objectives, a Faculty Development Program is a critical factor towards building a strong foundation in the execution of the program to ensure quality education. The quality of education depends largely on the qualifications and competencies of the faculty, thus regular meeting, seminar-workshop, and evaluation is being conducted in the college and university level.