Sat, Feb 05, 2022

TSU College Admission Evaluation A.Y. 2022-2023 Advisory No. 4

In line with the face-to-face conduct of the TSU College Admission Test for A.Y. 2022-2023, the following health and safety protocols must be strictly observed while on campus to protect and promote the health and safety of everyone.


In line with the face-to-face conduct of the TSU College Admission Test for A.Y. 2022-2023, the following health and safety protocols must be strictly observed while on campus to protect and promote the health and safety of everyone.

  1. The assembly area and testing venue will be at the Lucinda Campus covered court.
  2. Examinees must wear face mask and observe and maintain physical distancing. Present your vaccination card/certificate upon entry.
  3. Examinees must have their temperature checked and sanitize their hands using alcohol which will be placed at the entrance point. Examinees are also advised to bring their alcohol/sanitizer for immediate sanitation purposes.
  4. Examinees must strictly follow their assigned schedule and they are directed to come at least 30 minutes before their examination.
  5. Examinees must fill-up the health certificate form which will be issued by the Medical Service Office to be signed by the representative of their Barangay Health Center certifying that they are not Persons Under Monitoring (PUMs), COVID-19 suspects, no flu-like symptoms for five (5) days.
  6. Examinees who are not fully vaccinated must inform the Testing Unit for their 2nd dose vaccination schedule to reschedule their admission test.
  7. If examinees have signs/symptoms of COVID-19, they must inform the Testing Unit immediately for the rescheduling of their admission test. Also, they must present their medical certificate signed by the physician that they are physically healthy and well.
  8. The College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) Comfort Rooms will be utilized by the examinees
  9. Examinees with 37.8 degrees Celsius and above temperature will be sent home and will be given another schedule for admission test.
  10. Gate 1 of the Lucinda Campus will be the entrance and exit points of all examinees.
  11. All private vehicles and guardians of the examinees are not allowed to enter the TSU campus premises. "Drop and go" policy shall be strictly implemented.
  12. There is a designated assembly area for examinees at the Lucinda Campus. They will be assisted by the security guards and be arranged by the testing staff according to their seat numbers before entering the testing venue.
  13. Only examinees during the specific examination will be allowed to enter the testing venue.
  14. Examinees must bring their own exam supplies like pens and pencils. Examinees are not allowed to share these supplies to other examinees.
  15. Examinees are NOT allowed to eat and drink during the examination period.
  16. Wear proper and comfortable attire during your examination day. Avoid wearing short clothing (e.g: skirt, sando, shorts)
  17. Examinees are NOT allowed to loiter inside the campus before and after the examination
  18. Avoid spitting on the ground which can be very hazardous to public health since COVID-19 spreads though droplets.
  19. There will be one and a half hour break after the first examination session in the morning and afternoon. Disinfection of the testing venue will be made every after session by the Janitorial and Ground Services Unit (JGSU).
  20. New set of test booklets will be used for each set of examinees.

Venue of face-to-face admission test is at the TSU Lucinda Campus. Instructions on how to go to the Lucinda Campus is also available here:

Conduct of entrance examinations is allowed with 30% indoor venue capacity and 50% outdoor venue capacity under Alert Level 3 as indicated by the IATF Guidelines (see Section [4], no. 3, item i:

Online application for the TSU College Admission Evaluation for Academic Year 2022-2023 (TSU CAE) is until February 28, 2022.
NOTE: Verification and sending of TSU CAT permit takes at least 4-5 working days. TSU office hours is from Tuesday-Friday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Holidays are excluded in the working days.
See previous TSU CAE Advisories here:
For inquiries, send an email to [email protected].

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