- Gender Sensitivity Orientation
- Seminar on Gender and Sexuality/ Gender Awareness Seminar
- GAD Concepts Seminar
- Gender-Fair Education Seminar
- Seminar on Teenage Pregnancy
- Reproductive Health Seminar
- HIV Awareness Seminar
- HIV, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis Awareness and Prevention Seminar
- Young Adolescence Fertility and Sexuality Seminar
- Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar
- Human Rights Seminar
- Pressure and Stress Management Seminar
- Mental Health Awareness Seminar
- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Seminar
- Work Ethics and Anti-Sexual Harassment Seminar (WEASH) for Student Interns/On-the-Job Trainees
- GAD Laws and Mandates:
R.A. 9710 - Magna Carta of Women
R.A. 7877 Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
R.A. 9262 Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004
R.A. 9208 Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act
R.A. 11313 Safe Spaces Act (Bawal Bastos Law)
- Gender-Responsive Extension and Research Seminar
- Gender and Responsive Planning and Budgeting
- Gender Concepts and Gender Analysis (GA) Tools Gender Sensitivity Training
- Use of GAD Tools (e.g. HGDG) for Gender Analysis